3 remedies for constipation

Constipation is a recurring problem for most of us. It is characterised by increasingly hard stools that are difficult to pass. Generally, when you have difficulty passing stools less than three times a week, you can conclude that you are constipated. This is a very annoying condition. Fortunately, there are some simple recipes for dealing with it. Read this article for some useful remedies. Drink enough water Statistically, 1 in 4 people suffer from constipation, and even more so women. We have a few solutions for this. For the proper functioning of our body, doctors recommend drinking 2 to 3 litres of water per day. In practice, however, a good deal of this water comes from the food we eat. If you feel constipated, you should drink enough water, on average 6 to 8 glasses a day. The...

3 ideas for maintaining your mental health
3 ideas for maintaining your mental health
3 tips for a long and healthy life
3 tips for a long and healthy life
What quick care to apply in case of burns
What quick care to apply in case of burns
4 tips for quitting smoking
4 tips for quitting smoking


4 tips for quitting smoking
4 tips for quitting smoking
Deciding to stop smoking is not always easy. When smoking has been part of your life for a long time, breaking the habit becomes a real obstacle course. However, there are some tips that you can apply that will help you to quit. In this article, we will outline 4 of them. Identify your...
3 remedies for constipation
3 remedies for constipation
Constipation is a recurring problem for most of us. It is characterised by increasingly hard stools that are difficult to pass. Generally, when you have difficulty passing stools less than three times a week, you can conclude that you are constipated. This is a very annoying condition. Fortunately...
3 ideas for maintaining your mental health
3 ideas for maintaining your mental health
Your health is the most important thing you have. When it is damaged, you become fragile. Overall, you need to feel good, and even better in your head. Mental health is becoming an increasingly important issue in view of the changes that are taking place here and there. If you are looking for...


What quick care to apply in case of burns
What quick care to apply in case of burns

What quick care to apply in case of burns

Burns are often common depending on their degree. When you have a victim, it is important to administer...
4 tips for quitting smoking
4 tips for quitting smoking

4 tips for quitting smoking

Deciding to stop smoking is not always easy. When smoking has been part of your life for a long time,...
3 remedies for constipation
3 remedies for constipation

3 remedies for constipation

Constipation is a recurring problem for most of us. It is characterised by increasingly hard stools that are...
3 ideas for maintaining your mental health
3 ideas for maintaining your mental health

3 ideas for maintaining your mental health

Your health is the most important thing you have. When it is damaged, you become fragile. Overall, you need...
3 tips for a long and healthy life
3 tips for a long and healthy life

3 tips for a long and healthy life

Longevity is a permanent quest for humans. We all want to live as long and as healthy as possible. In order...


4 tips for quitting smoking
4 tips for quitting smoking

4 tips for quitting smoking

Deciding to stop smoking is not always easy. When smoking has been part of your life for a long...
3 remedies for constipation
3 remedies for constipation

3 remedies for constipation

Constipation is a recurring problem for most of us. It is characterised by increasingly hard...
3 ideas for maintaining your mental health
3 ideas for maintaining your mental health

3 ideas for maintaining your mental health

Your health is the most important thing you have. When it is damaged, you become fragile. Overall,...
3 tips for a long and healthy life
3 tips for a long and healthy life

3 tips for a long and healthy life

Longevity is a permanent quest for humans. We all want to live as long and as healthy as possible....
What quick care to apply in case of burns
What quick care to apply in case of burns

What quick care to apply in case of burns

Burns are often common depending on their degree. When you have a victim, it is important to...


What quick care to apply in case of burns
What quick care to apply in case of burns

What quick care to apply in case of burns

Burns are often common depending on their degree. When you have a victim, it is important to...
4 tips for quitting smoking
4 tips for quitting smoking

4 tips for quitting smoking

Deciding to stop smoking is not always easy. When smoking has been part of your life for a long...
3 remedies for constipation
3 remedies for constipation

3 remedies for constipation

Constipation is a recurring problem for most of us. It is characterised by increasingly hard...


4 tips for quitting smoking
4 tips for quitting smoking
Deciding to stop smoking is not always easy. When smoking has been part of your life for a long time, breaking the habit becomes a real obstacle course. However, there are some tips that you can apply that will help you to quit. In this article, we will outline 4 of them. Identify your...
3 remedies for constipation
3 remedies for constipation
Constipation is a recurring problem for most of us. It is characterised by increasingly hard stools that are difficult to pass. Generally, when you have difficulty passing stools less than three times a week, you can conclude that you are constipated. This is a very annoying condition. Fortunately...


What quick care to apply in case of burns
What quick care to apply in case of burns

Burns are often common depending on their degree. When you have a victim, it is important to administer first aid as soon as possible to prevent the situation from getting worse. There are first aid measures that you should know about depending on the type of burn. We will tell you what they are...

4 tips for quitting smoking
4 tips for quitting smoking

Deciding to stop smoking is not always easy. When smoking has been part of your life for a long time, breaking the habit becomes a real obstacle course. However, there are some tips that you can apply that will help you to quit. In this article, we will outline 4 of them. Identify your...

3 remedies for constipation
3 remedies for constipation

Constipation is a recurring problem for most of us. It is characterised by increasingly hard stools that are difficult to pass. Generally, when you have difficulty passing stools less than three times a week, you can conclude that you are constipated. This is a very annoying condition. Fortunately...

3 ideas for maintaining your mental health
3 ideas for maintaining your mental health

Your health is the most important thing you have. When it is damaged, you become fragile. Overall, you need to feel good, and even better in your head. Mental health is becoming an increasingly important issue in view of the changes that are taking place here and there. If you are looking for...

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What quick care to apply in case of burns

What quick care to apply in case of burns

Burns are often common depending on their degree. When you have a victim, it is important to administer first aid as soon as possible to prevent the situation from getting worse. There are first aid measures that you should know about depending on the type of burn. We will tell you what they are in this article. First degree burns The treatments are not necessarily the same. They can vary depending on the severity of the situation. To assess the severity, you need to consider the parts of the body affected, the extent of the burns and the age of the victim. When you notice pain, swelling or redness in the affected area, you are dealing with a first degree burn. In this case, there is a so-called 3-15 rule that is applied. Put the affected area under cool water at 15 degrees, under a tap...
4 tips for quitting smoking

4 tips for quitting smoking

Deciding to stop smoking is not always easy. When smoking has been part of your life for a long time, breaking the habit becomes a real obstacle course. However, there are some tips that you can apply that will help you to quit. In this article, we will outline 4 of them. Identify your triggers You've been smoking for a long time, it's become a habit but you want to stop, know that it is possible if you apply yourself. There are probably situations and habits that make you want to light up a cigarette more. Whether you like to smoke before or after every meal, during a break at work or when you are driving, it is good to know the little things that make you want to smoke. Also, identify the types of cigarettes you like. This will help you to know your habits and control them. Think about...
3 remedies for constipation

3 remedies for constipation

Constipation is a recurring problem for most of us. It is characterised by increasingly hard stools that are difficult to pass. Generally, when you have difficulty passing stools less than three times a week, you can conclude that you are constipated. This is a very annoying condition. Fortunately, there are some simple recipes for dealing with it. Read this article for some useful remedies. Drink enough water Statistically, 1 in 4 people suffer from constipation, and even more so women. We have a few solutions for this. For the proper functioning of our body, doctors recommend drinking 2 to 3 litres of water per day. In practice, however, a good deal of this water comes from the food we eat. If you feel constipated, you should drink enough water, on average 6 to 8 glasses a day. The...
3 ideas for maintaining your mental health

3 ideas for maintaining your mental health

Your health is the most important thing you have. When it is damaged, you become fragile. Overall, you need to feel good, and even better in your head. Mental health is becoming an increasingly important issue in view of the changes that are taking place here and there. If you are looking for simple tips to maintain your mental health, this article is for you. Self-acceptance Once you are mentally unwell, you become a fragile subject. We give you some tips to avoid this. One of the causes of mental imbalance is the refusal to accept oneself. To have good mental health, it is important to accept yourself as you are. Self-acceptance allows you to know your strengths and weaknesses. By accepting yourself as you are, you can set your own goals and limits. Wanting to be like or like everyone...
3 tips for a long and healthy life

3 tips for a long and healthy life

Longevity is a permanent quest for humans. We all want to live as long and as healthy as possible. In order to achieve this, there are certain behaviours that we must adopt. Even though living a long life or not is not always up to us, we have to take certain steps. In this article we will discuss 3 key tips for living long. Follow your diet Living a long and healthy life is within our reach, if we follow certain requirements. We are what we eat. To be healthy, it is important to control your diet. Not all the foodstuffs in our supermarkets are good for our bodies. Some even have the ability to do us more harm than good. Eating less sugar and more vegetables and fruit is good for our well-being. It is important to consult a specialist and follow his or her recommendations on diet to...